Minggu, 17 Mei 2015


this is me

Daily Activity As Student

Nory: del hello, how are you there?
adel: Nory hello, my state is well saja.bagaimana with you? What zeal this time?
Nory: My situation is well juga.saat I help my parents worked in the college pasar.apakah smoothly del?
adel: ohh, yeah spirit help parents nya.alhamdullillah not too much nor obstacles.
Nory: yes del.oh thankfully then del.sukses yes untukn his lecture del.
adel: Nory Okay, well thanks.

how successful his business while in college

How successful his business while in college -
 "When you are in a learning situation in college and your business can be divided into equal, then academic achievement in the lecture bench and side business you can grow simultaneously."

I've posted before 10 keys to success in the business world, well now let's discuss about how successful his business while in college, it helps for my friends who are still studied in college, but want to earn money through his business.

Who says to his business while studying in college it troublesome? There are still many who think that pioneered an effort in the lecture bench would only distract learn. This mindset is less precise, so there is no harm if we now start fixing mindset of the students.

Students more proud when becoming a civil servant (PNS) and professional manpower in big companies, compared choose plunge in the business world and become a young entrepreneur. This paradigm is certainly very alarming. It is not surprising that to this day in Indonesia scholar unemployment numbers continue to grow.

Because of the business to generate motivation for the students. I gave some successful steps to start a business while in college can be tried for beginners who still existed as a student.

    make mental entrepreneur or entrepreneurs

An important first step to run for the students which makes mental entrepreneur inside. Although still a student, but never embarrassed or afraid to plunge in the world of business. Because, basically all areas you can learn from scratch, including when learning entrepreneurship since attending lectures. Begin to enrich your knowledge and skills through books, magazine business, following the existing entrepreneurship courses at your college, club or forum followed the entrepreneurship at your college, attended various seminars and training existing business in Indonesia, as well as expand networking with associate The environment of young entrepreneurs.

    define business opportunities in accordance with the capital

When you've started waking mental, the next step to consider is to choose the type of business that suits your capital. Is not only a matter of course, but also includes capital skills, passion capital (hobby), leisure, and so forth. For example, just like being a product reseller, become author of the article, making various types of accessories (such as flannel crafts, patchwork, beads, embroidery crafts, etc.), producing chocolate, snack, or a variety of snacks, toll-run business, providing services translator, private tutoring services, computer services as well as mobile phone services, computer rental services, website development services, as well as many more business opportunities of other students who can make us successful in earning revenue from businesses that we elaborated and we can grow revenue and we do not just relying on gifts from parents only.

    for your time as well as possible

Of course most of the time a student will be taken in the lecture bench and busy with tasks lectures each day to accumulate in your study table. Still can not rule pioneering small businesses on the sidelines of your class schedule every day. The important thing is wise in the dividing of time. Separate time learning with free time to building the business. instances when the day-to-day work, use of time in the morning to afternoon to focus on taking care of all matters related to the lecture. While at night or on holidays, optimize energy and your mind to create creative ideas in order to develop a side business that you pioneered. if you can split the time equally, then college and your business can run a balanced, in the sense of business smoothly and lectures are not disturbed.

    active promotion in the neighborhood

To support the development of businesses that have been run, you should begin to promote in the environment around you. For example, just by informing your products or services to friends in college, boarding friends, family, relatives, teachers, or promote the business through online social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, blogs, google plus, and so forth.

    action from now

After making sure the preparation and the ability you have, now there is no reason to delay the business plan that has been made and soon realize it to earn in the business which you are entering.

Hopefully the information business motivation tips I've mentioned in this article may provide additional encouragement for the readers, and inspire all students in Indonesia to want to learn and start to work creating jobs and business opportunities as much as possible, so articles on this occasion about how successful his business while in college, may be useful and provide inspiration for student friends, and do not miss also my other articles on how to successfully learn in college, which is very useful for my friends who are still in college.